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In a day, we should drink 6-8 glasses ofทางเข้า SLOTXOwater if anyone knows that they are not drinking enough water per day. Let's look at the possible effects on the body.


Why do we need to drink enough water?

our body It is made up of 70% water, with approximately 60% water contained within cells, approximately 30% outside the cell and 10% in the tissues or blood. Conversely, each day the body excretes water in the form of 0.5-2.3 liters of urine, and it is also excreted through sweat, feces, and breath.


if drinking less How will it affect the body?

May cause our blood to become more viscous and thicker. which has a direct impact on the flow of blood to different parts of the body

may cause a headache Chronic fatigue, ringing in the ears, memory loss, etc.

There may be eye symptoms such as congestion in the eye. vision loss

Affects the cardiovascular system

Inflammation due to venous thrombosis but may be combined with other factors such as high blood fat

May be at risk of constipation, the main cause is the lack of a stimulant for bowel movements. eat foods lacking in fiber or drink less water The stool is hard and the stool is small. Consequently, the intestines contract, so the stool moves slowly. The main treatment is to eat a diet high in fiber such as vegetables, fruits, grains and drink enough clean water. If left untreated, chronic constipation can lead to intestinal obstruction. colon cancer eventually

May cause the kidneys to not work effectively. This is because the kidneys have to perform a variety of functions, such as eliminating toxins and absorbing useful nutrients back into the body. Regulate the level of acidity and alkalinity of body fluids. Eliminate excess waste and excrete it through the urine. Create hormones that stimulate the production of red blood cells and vitamin D, etc. when not getting enough water. The kidneys will not be able to perform such functions as well. therefore at risk of various diseases especially kidney stones and would have a detrimental effect on various organs in the body, especially the liver that must be replaced

May be at risk of high blood pressure Not bright skin, cramps and obesity as well. For people with congenital diseases such as kidney disease with edema, they need to control the amount of drinking water each day as prescribed by the doctor.