Evading service is simple! Park your car in the garage, in front of a neighbor's house, use alley entrances, use the back door or don't go to work.


Process Servers for the most part have to personally deliver documents to you or someone living in your house.


If you know you are being sued, simply don't answer the door.


Saying that allow me to explain a little bit about what happens after you are now proud of your successfully evading service.


The Process Server still gets paid, in the long run you still pay for his attempts to serve you.


The Process Server fills out an Affidavit of Process Server Tulsa, and in this affidavit, he details all attempts made, this can include a detail of lights being on or off in the house, moving window blinds and car tags in driveway, among other things. He makes it very clear to the courts that he has given due diligence in trying to get the papers to you, but was unsuccessful. The affidavit is then filed with the courts and upon the court date the person suing you request from the judge an order to serve you again using a different method and a new court date. This different method can be any number of things from serving your boss and requiring him to give you the summons to simply printing the notice in the newspaper that you have court on a specific date