WEBINAR: Mechatronics Education and Research at the University of Waterloo

  • Last Post 27 November 2022
Zuzana Fabusova posted this 11 October 2017

Join us on Monday, October 23, 2.30 pm EDT and learn about the Mechatronics Education and Research at the University of Waterloo.

Our guest presenter, Dr. William Melek, Professor and Director of Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Waterloo, will describe how his school uses the Engineering Clinic to support undergraduate mechatronics education and encourage the integration of engineering design into class activities. Dr. Melek will also highlight some of the mechatronics research projects at the University of Waterloo, focused on autonomous and intelligent systems and human-machine interfaces in human-centric environments.

To register for the webinar, click here.

Feel free to share the invite with your colleagues. We are looking forward to seeing you online!

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Zuzana Fabusova posted this 13 October 2017

Add your question for Dr. Melek as a comment here. You will be able to ask more during the webinar's live Q&A session.

Zuzana Fabusova posted this 26 October 2017

The recording of the webinar and the slides are now available in the Forum's Repository. You can find it in the WEBINARS: Mechatronics Education Innovation folder. It will be also posted in the Featured folder for the next couple of weeks.

Stay tuned for the next webinar with Dr. Nigel Kent from the Dublin Institute of Technology. The webinar is scheduled for Friday, November 24 at 3 pm EST. The registration will open early November.

saloni.shirodkar96@gmail.com posted this 04 January 2018

Hey Zuzana Fabusova, sorry for the inconvenience but i read your article late. so i was not there but you said that slides are available. so can you please provide me a link. so that it will helps me as I'm also operating same field.

Thank you


Zuzana Fabusova posted this 17 January 2018


Yes, the slides from the webinar are available in the Repository (the link is in the Forum's main menu). Once there, check the webinar folder.


aurorausa0106 posted this 26 August 2022

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lanikane posted this 05 September 2022

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